Viagra – Does Viagra Increase the Risk of Heart Attack?


Since the launch of Viagra several years past, the makers have warned us against its usage by men with reduced blood pressure, unstable or severe angina, recent stroke or recent heart attack. But could viagra itself trigger heart attack at a man with additional risk factors? This question is important and also a new research study has set out to offer the answer.

Huge numbers of men were studied in this research project and also the danger of heart attack within half an hour and twenty four hours of taking Viagra has been calculated cialis.

The outcomes of the study found no growth in the risk of heart attack at the twenty five months after taking viagra. This is highly reassuring for many millions of men throughout the world.

Proceed with care!

While the results of the study are extremely reassuring for the countless men who use Viagra there’s still reason to be cautious. The study team notice a few important limitations to this study. They emphasise that the men who took part in the trial project might represent a much healthier section of the population compared to average consumers of Viagra. They also emphasise that they didn’t gather any information on the character of the sexual activity that happened! Both of these things might make a difference to the outcomes.
So – what’s the message? Viagra seems safe for use – even in men who have health problems that put them in danger of heart attack. This article is not in any way a replacement for good quality individual health information.

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